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Source: Federal Elections Commission, New York State Board of Elections

What does this measure?

The percentage of the voting-age population (18 and over) that actually voted in an election.

Why is this important?

Voting is a basic responsibility of all citizens and an indication of the citizenry's interest in and commitment to participating in our political process.

How is Westchester County performing?

In the 2022 midterm elections, 42% of Westchester County's eligible voters voted, down from 2018 (44%). This was higher than the statewide rate of 38%, and lower than similar counties. Nassau and Putnam Counties had the highest rates of voter participation in 2022 (48% and 53%, respectively), followed by Rockland (46%).

Notes about the data

Voter turnout was calculated using votes cast in the top race on the ballot. Turnout was not reported in non-presidential, non-gubernatorial years since data were not readily available. Comparable national data are only available in presidential years. National data was only available for Presidental election years.

Voter Participation Rate
Westchester County55%37%57%39%59%37%53%31%56%44%62%42%
Nassau County59%38%62%38%63%38%54%31%61%46%70%48%
Putnam County61%40%63%44%63%43%57%36%62%49%70%53%
Rockland County60%41%62%39%61%40%54%33%59%43%65%46%
New York State49%32%51%32%52%32%46%25%50%26%57%38%

Source: Federal Elections Commission, New York State Board of Elections
Notes: Rates were calculated using Census estimates of the population 18 and over. National data only available for presidential years.

Number of People who Voted
Westchester County378,961258,104398,532274,690417,496265,063387,880229,387424,055333,071468,773331,586
Nassau County596,691384,408624,285379,053642,576392,174567,474326,210642,548495,021738,369520,857
Putnam County42,81428,96146,72932,34947,46532,74944,24828,04248,86538,51355,32041,679
Rockland County124,33086,551132,78683,649134,63789,008124,26675,917138,049101,154151,381110,267
New York State6,960,2154,690,9687,448,2664,697,8677,722,0194,763,6887,065,2993,930,3107,786,8814,009,7478,690,6145,962,278

Source: Federal Elections Commission, New York State Board of Elections
Notes: National data only available for presidential years.

